Saturday, October 18, 2014

Class Notes, Tuesday

The ability to draw the figure as it relates to a cube was taught.

The Rib Cage, Head Cage, and Pelvic Cage's dimensions as a rectangular cube where given.

Instructions on modeling the cubes into more simplified masses of form where given.  i.e.  prepratory forms of spheres for the skull and rectangular forms for the face of the head.   This will be explored further next week.

The final section of class the model came into class and we did 15 minutes worth of quick poses with the student's focused on seeing the different cubes as it relates to the forms.

For those paying students an in depth review of the class dimensions and forms will be posted on the password protected class notes blog.

- Paul Grass

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Class Notes from Tues with Paul Grass. Drawing from memory.

We learned to assimilate the cube in a three dimentional manner.  Tilted on x y z axes.   Created measurements for limbs and assigned distance from knee to foot, knee to great trochanter.


Create three dimensional model of clay with assigned proportions.  create three dementional model out of cardboard.

See you soon!
